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Meal Prep Like a Pro - Part 1 of 2

Uncategorized Jan 13, 2023

Prepping your food ahead of time is the single most effective way to reach your fitness goals. When your food is prepped, you no longer have the "I ran out of time" problem. You can run to the fridge, grab a pre packaged meal and keep making steps toward your goals.

The problem is that most people don't know where to start. And I get it! Making 21 meals ahead of time sounds like a disaster.

Over the years i've tinkered with every possible meal prep method there is. And what i've found is that without proper planning and preparation any method eventually fails.

The first part of this 'Meal Prep like a pro series' is all about just that... preparation.

They key is to split your meal prep up into two phases.

  • Phase 1: Plan, Shop, Prep

  • Phase 2: Cook and Portion

Step 1: Plan out your meals BEFORE you go to the grocery store.

Planning out your meals, shopping, and cooking all in the same day is daunting. So try to keep your planning and shopping on one day, and cooking and portioning on the next day.

When planning, be sure to plan out simple meals. Keep each meal under 5 ingredients if you can. For breakfast, Think Eggs + Oats + Fruit rather than 'complex breakfast casserole'.

Complex recipes with tons of ingredients seem great at the moment, but simplicity is key when it comes to meal prep.

Repeat this task for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

(Quad tip* eat the same thing for the whole week. Prepping different dishes for each meal is near impossible with a busy schedule.

For example, Here's what I ate Monday through Saturday last week.

Step 2: Write down your grocery list

Once you've figured out what you're eating for the week, write down your grocery list and stick to the plan.

If you know the layout to your grocery store pretty well, try to write your list out in the order in which you walk through the store (makes life so much easier).

Try not to deviate from the list so that you don't end up with a bunch a food that isn't in line with your goals.

(Quad tip* use the check box option in your notes for your list!)

Step 3: Prep your food

Once you get home and unpack your groceries, start prepping your food for the next day. This means cutting up potatoes, marinating chicken, washing fruit and veggies etc.

Make sure you have enough Tupperware ready to hold all of the meals you'll be cooking tomorrow!

That's it! You've planned out your week of meals, shopped for the ingredients, and prepped your food. You're all ready to cook!



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